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Disappearing forests

Protected areas – mainland Sumatra (source MoF)


  Sumatran forest cover 1997 (Source MoF/World Bank 2000)


Estimated carrying capacity of forest blocks for tigers based on 1997 forest cover (Source STCP)


Forest Cover in Riau and surrounding areas
1980 :   1990 :  2000  :   2007

(Source WCMC); (Source: Interpretation of Landsat images STCP); (Source: Interpretation of Landsat images STCP); (Source: STCP, MoF)


Forest cover and land-use plan in Riau and adjoining areas c.2000 

(Source: Interpretation of Landsat images STCP; MoF)



 Forest loss 1990-2000 in the vicinity of Senepis proposed national park
Source: Interpretation of Landsat images STCP)


 Proposed Senepis-Buluhala National Park 
(Source: PHKA; Interpretation of Landsat images STCP)


 Tiger conservation units in Riau and adjoining areas 
(Source: Wikramanayake et al.1999, Riding the tiger: Tiger conservation in human-dominated landscapes)


 Forest loss 1990-2000 in the vicinity of TNBT and proposed extension areas 
(Source: Interpretation of Landsat images STCP)


TNBT and surrounding concessions 
(Source: MoF)


 TNBT, surrounding concessions, and forest cover 
(Source: MoF; Interpretation of Landsat images STCP )


 TNBT, surrounding concessions, and forest cover 
(Source: MoF; Interpretation of Landsat images STCP; SRTM )


 TNBT, surrounding concessions, and forest cover 
(Source: MoF; Interpretation of Landsat images STCP; SRTM )


Safari Zoo, Melton Terrace, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LU

Tel: (+44) 01229 466086

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Last Updated: 30/07/2012