The Sumatran Tiger Trust - an international charity set up to fund tiger conservation.
100 years ago, 8 sub-species of tigers and over 120,000 tigers roamed our planet. Unfortunately it is estimated that only 4,000 tigers live in the wild today! The South China Tiger, The Javan Tiger, The Bali Tiger and The Caspian Tiger are all extinct! Never to be seen in the wild again – gone forever! It is estimated that there are probably less than 400 Sumatran Tigers living in the wild today.
David S Gill was determined not to let the Sumatran Tiger join that list and so 12 years ago, he started to fund a tiger conservation project in Sumatra, Indonesia. That project has evolved and is now known as The Sumatran Tiger Trust Conservation Programme (STTCP.) It is the largest tiger conservation project in Indonesia and covers work in Way Kambas National Park, Bukit Tigapuluh National Park and The Senepis Tiger Conservation Area near Dumai City.
Pictured: David S Gill delivering much needed conservation supplies including remote cameras funded by STT.
The Sumatran Tiger Trust was founded in February 2000, to put an official face on this work. We are now the sole funder of this project and we need to raise at least £120,000 just to cover our basic yearly commitment. Over the last 12 years, we have donated over one million pounds, making us the largest fundraiser for Sumatran Tigers anywhere in the world!
The offices of the charity are based at South Lakes Wild Animal Park and the park underwrites all of the administration costs of running the charity, ensuring that 100% of all money donated is spent on animal conservation!
Our Objectives
To conserve for the public benefit any sub-species of tiger, but in particular the Sumatran Tiger through the education and the promotion of research into such conservation and the dissemination of the useful results of the research, and through carrying out any such other charitable purpose or purposes as the trustees in their absolute discretion shall from time to time determine.
The Trustees
David S Gill - Chairman
Ian Collings
Pierre Gay
Field Managers & The Team
The project is directed by, South Lakes Wild Animal Park owner David S Gill, from the UK, as the funding body, but day to day management and responsibility of the project rests with a carefully selected team of Indonesians. The team consists of Muhammad Yunus (left) who is Project Manager, Bastoni and Sumianto who are co-managers and Santoso, The Chairman of the PKHS Foundation. Almost all of this team have been with the project since its creation. The project also relies on the tireless efforts of the hundreds of local villagers who have been trained by the project to be field staff.

As you can see this project relies on hundreds of dedicated individuals and we sincerely thank them all for their efforts. Together we will ensure a wild future for Sumatran Tigers - we hope you want to be part of the team and thank you in advance for your support.