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      Sumatran Tiger
      Sumatran Rhino


Sumatran Rhino
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis

Population: 300 left in the wild
Horns: 2
Weight: 600 -950kg
Height: 1.0 –1.5m at shoulder
Length: 2.0 - 2.3m
Habitat: Dense tropical rainforest, mainly in the Malay Peninsula on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo.
Subspecies & numbers: 2
Eastern 50
Western 250

The woolly rhino: The Sumatran, known as the hairy Rhino because of its long shaggy hair unlike other species which appear hairless, is a descendent of the Woolly Rhino.

Scientific name and Origin

Dicerorhinus sumatrensis

        Dicerorhinus from the Greek di meaning two; cero meaning horn; rhinus meaning nose.

        Sumatrensis referring to Sumatra its home.



Unlike White Rhinos Sumatran rhinos are browsers feeding on young saplings, leaves, mangoes, bamboo, twigs, figs and bark. When feeding, the animal moves in a zigzag pattern, sampling the potential food items in sight before it takes in mouthful quantities.

The Sumatran is the smallest living Rhino, has been a critically endangered species for at least 30 years. Today as few as 300 are left in the wild.


The main threat to the Sumatran rhinoceros is habitat destruction. Human activities from logging and land clearing for agriculture has lead to them losing their homes. Land clearing has made entry into the once remote forest homes of these secretive creatures easier. Poachers then kill the animals for the “alleged” magical properties of its horn and other body parts. The incentive for poachers is very high when rhino horn is worth 10 times its weight in gold in the black market.
Rhino Conservation

In 1995 The Sumatran Tiger Trust, in search of the Critically Endangered Sumatran Tiger, laid the first remote cameras in Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra.

More than tigers were photographed:



 2 Sumatran Rhinos

A healthy population of one of the rarest animals of earth was found - Between 12-24 Sumatran Rhino. In 1996 Rhino Protection Units, funded by the International Rhino Foundation, were introduced and their goal? conservation of those Rhinos and their habitat.  Although core Rhino and core Tiger habitat in Way Kambas does not overlap in 2003 the Rhino and Tiger Protection Units joined forces. There are 7 units now operating in Way Kambas to provide more effective and efficient protection of both species.


Safari Zoo, Melton Terrace, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LU

Tel: (+44) 01229 466086

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