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Revealing the Mystery of The Bukit Tigapuluh
National Park

(To see full report click here)


Infrared Camera

The bases needed data to be collected to do an efficient and accurate research. But, it is not a simple thing to collect on Sumatran Tiger, because of the Sumatran Tiger being a carnivore and rare to see because it will always avoid to meet a human. To overcome this problem, need a device that can be installed in the forest and can take data that equals to the direct data in field. So, the Infrared Camera was developed, it can record every animal it catches off the infrared ray.

Infrared Camera tools before installing, there are two kind of camera, Olympus and Canon

Camera and Receiver, the camera position is always on the top

Indigenous People

There are 3 groups of Indigenous People who live in BTNP, there is around 219 households of Indigenous people who permanetly live in the Park. At the base both of Talang Mamak and old Malay are os the same ethnic only difference is they have a different faith. Indigenous people are illiterate, low in health and are in povery which increases their trouble. The Children are without clothes and when they are 2 or 3 years old they are able to roll a tobacco cigarette ans smoke it. The yields they farm are not enough to fulfill their daily necessity. They depend on the forest and without the BTNP project.

The Development

The indigenous people development is based so that every activity of the people who live in the park will give an influence to the park, both positive or negative. In their daily live, they are still depending on the nature yield (forest and river), so they need the perpetuity of the national park. If the national park is finish, they will be the first who feel the effect.


Safari Zoo, Melton Terrace, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LU

Tel: (+44) 01229 466086

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Last Updated: 08/03/2012