JUNE 2007
Patrol around Bukit Tigapuluh by Motorbikes funded by STT A report from the teams of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park following the purchase by STT (you) of 3 motorcycles...
Date: 12-19 Mei 2007
Location: Buffer zone of BTNP and village at northern
Ahmad Fanani, Sumarto, Hendra, Sofyan
to know the distribution of tiger
to know the condition of buffer zone
to know the history of conflict tiger
interview villager, specially whos live near the forest.
Set up the camera infra red.
Secondary sign of tiger survey
In this patrol we use the motorcycle because we will go to village or home which easier use the motorcycle and impossible use the car.

Why the bikes were essential the roads are very slippery..
and the terrain very hard going, even the motorcycles are difficult to handle..
The bikes can cross rivers and carry essential equiptment......

The team on the road corridor of Sawit plantation near buffer zone of BTNP

Sawit plantation at northern of park

The Leopard cat (Felis bengalensis) on the road corridor, and we think accident by vehicle.

The pig caught and died by nylon trap.
The team found and destroyed two nylon traps 
Second nylon trap found and removed by STT rangers
before another animal caught in the same way.
The team found many evidence of tigers outside the park and set up three infra red cameras to monitor the region.

Evidence of Tigers - tracks.
MAY 2007: Teams receive new essential equipment...
A big thank you from Muhammad Yunus and the STCP Team as vital new equipment arrives from STT - the motorbikes are an essential piece of equipment enabling rangers to move around more quickly, cover more ground and respond speedily.

MAY 2007:
Local community workshop held in Bukit Tigapuluh: From: Muhammad Yunus and the STCP Team
Workshop held in Bukit Tigapuluh to teach the local community about the regulations of the forest...

Film showed by the STT team
Date: 26-28 April 2007
Location: Datai Orchard
Amri (Head of Administration of BTNP)
Hertu Riansyah (Commandant of BTNP Ranger)
Najarlagu Sinaga (Head of Siambul Resort)
Syupriadi (Ranger )
Agung Patriadi (technician)
Meti (Technician)
Lancar (Technician)
Muhammad Yunus (STTCP)
Socializaton of Forstry regulation to Talang Mamak People
Increas the knowledge of Talang Mamak people specialy about forestry regulation.
For example: the people can not sell the land to other people.
Open discussion
Show the documentary film about BTNP or other location

Villagers watching the documentary showin rules & regulations of the forest.